Kalapana Orchid Farm
Kalapana Honohono - Fragrant!
Kalapana Honohono - Fragrant!
Kalapana Honohono (Den. Hsingying Sweetscent 'W-3' x rhodopterygium semi-album 'GW')
With its surprisingly thick and waxy petals, this uncommon hybrid boasts long-lasting scented flowers vs. typical "honohonos." The flowers open in clusters, with 2" stems projecting away from the cane, showcasing creamy white sepals and petals. They are complemented by a fuzzy lip adorned with bold purple splashes on both insides. In addition to its adorable compact appearance, this hybrid surpasses its seed parent in terms of flower longevity and resilience, incorporating desirable traits from the Den. rhodoptergium and retaining the delightful scent of the Hsingying Sweetscent.
During the blooming season in spring, this deciduous hybrid sheds most of its leaves while in spike, preparing for the magnificent display of flowers. To accommodate its growing roots and enhance drainage, the plant is typically cultivated in a 3-4" pot. In some cases, a 3" pot may be slipped into a 4" pot to optimize aeration and manage the abundant root system. It is worth noting that for pendulous dendrobiums like this hybrid, the pot size does not necessarily correlate with the plant size, as they thrive in compact and well-ventilated spaces.